Stuck On Social Media? Here’s How To Find Alignment The Mindful Way

Mindful Social Media Coach - How To Find Alignment by Ksenia Avdulova

Are the days of joy and excitement on Instagram gone? Is it all a mindless scrolling game now won by bots?

I don’t think so.

This episode is for you, the confused business owner, the disheartened health coach, the stuck influencer. And really for anyone who understands the value of having a powerful online presence.

As someone whose full-time job depends on creating content, I’ve experienced a full range of emotions towards social media – from elated joy (that one time I was selected to be on a cereal box cover nationwide because of my Instagram) to deep confusion and burnout (when I get 50 emails from brands in one week, and all of them want me to create content for free).

At the end of the day, here’s what keeps me going: remembering that Instagram is just a tool to accomplish what I’m committed to in my life and business, and not be all end all. It’s a tool that helped me create multiple businesses, get paid to travel around the world, and interview today’s top thinkers on The Ksenia Brief Podcast.

In this episode, I will share with you what helps me replace burnout and apathy for CLARITY and ACTION.


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